Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Mail to Sify Customer Support


This must be my nth mail to you complaining about lack of speeds during the daytime. And the fact remains that it sucks. Last month I was on 32kbps pack and you kept saying speeds of 2-3 KBps were ok for that pack. This month I am on 48kbps and I am still getting 2-3 KBps during the daytime. This makes no sense. I would love to know what I got upgrading from a 32kbps pack to 48kbps pack.

Then you guys talk about 75megs limit. I do not see it on the product pages, so why should I accept it. It amounts to cheating that you do not mention something as important as the 75megs limit on the pages, which describe the package features. Also, even if you drop speeds after a certain amount of data transfer has taken place, why do not I see even a minor improvement after upgrading to 48kbps from 32kbps. Another thing that makes little sense.


On my forum, I met people who get 7-8KBps during the daytime in spite of the fact that they keep downloading throughout the day. Then you claim that my line might be choked. If my line is choked, why don’t you do something about it? It is a problem I am facing even since you debuted your new Sify broadband client, which continues to log me out every 3-4 hours.


Then you suggest that I should get a better speed package. Please tell me what other package you have that gives me unlimited data transfer and time period to stay online? I have the best you have in this category, which is 48kbps+. Why not make 64kbps+ pack unlimited time-period enabled and I would be happy to take it.

Please explain what am I supposed to do? You do not give me promised speeds. You do not reply to my mails. You do not have a better package that suits my requirement. How am I supposed to be happy using Sify Broadband?



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