Friday, March 09, 2007

I totally agree and endorse the remarks

I totally agree and endorse the remarks on 1) Sify BB, 2) Net4India & 3) Chip Mag:
1)Sify BB STINKS to the North and South Pole andm upto the Moon!
2)Net4India is manned by good for nothing idiots. In total frustration owing to my entire e-mail a/c of 5 mail-id’s along with all in/out/sent/draft boxes being COMPLETELY wiped out with a bland notice saying “There are NO e-mail id’s crested by you”, I decided to sue the bastards. I called the customer service and asked: “Who is the idiot calling himself the CEO of your company; Give me his name and mail address”. There was a shocked reply, “There is no body by that name here!”. I had to use an abusive word at this point and told him that I had no alternative but to file a suit against the company’s CEO for criminal neglect and cheating and failure to prvide promised services. Needless to say, I got no info!
2)People like us must join-up and find out all details and sue the fellow AND the company for criminal neglect, cheating and not delivering the promised service. This case can be easily proved & won since there are problems galore at any given time with net4india web mail and domain services. It should be filed in the Consumer Court by hiring a good lwayer and you’re done. In about 4 months the case will get over and the compensation amount claimed by you divided by 3 will be awarded to you. If the bast’d goes for an appeal, he has deposit 50% of the compensation with the court in CASH which can be claimed in full by you which the court will grant as per the relevant act of the law. If there are a dozen law suits like that, these Bast’ds will come to senses and CLOSEDOWN the company due to bad publicity and pressure.


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